Friday, October 19, 2012

Sorry about the pause

I've been attempting the election coverage. And I think the nausea is almost through.
The latest bit that took me to the mat is the fact that the 2006 "study" being touted by Romney/Ryan actually says their tax plan, "will redistribute the income tax liability to the middle class". Does anybody in the campaign staff actually read this stuff before shoving it down our throats like we were Fois Grais geese?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

New thoughts on the video

     I think the video of Governor Romney is far simpler than everybody makes it out to be.
  Candidates simply need to remember the lesson of Senator Hart.

Friday, September 21, 2012

How quickly they forget

   John Sununnu today, "I wouldn't ask Peggy Noonan to run a campaign.". Where was the Governor during the Regan campaigns? Does he not remember her role either there or in the Regan White House for that matter? I'm choking from the scent of desperation coming off this campaign.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary

    One year ago today the sky fell, dogs and cats began living together, and the US Armed Forces became the laughing stock of the world.
    Oh wait all that happened was our fighting men and women could legally come out of the closet.
    Still a reason to celebrate in my opinion.

Thank you John Stewart

    I finally figured out with his help why such a huge gulf exists between my views and those of the modern American political parties. I wasn't raised to see cognitive dissonance as a virtue.

Well this is new.

        So last evening an ex-bf of mine made a really awful Holocaust joke on Facebook. In the comments that followed one of our mutual friends brought up the homosexual experience during and after the war citing the chemical castration of Alan Turing. While his facts were sound he ended it this way, "So yeah, just saying, Jews ain't the only victims... and were treated BETTER than "we" were."
        I found this shocking and started reaching out to some of my other friends to see if this is a case of one man being provocative or if this view was widely held. It seems that among many of my self-identified progressive gay acquaintances this has become normal. Am I being radical in thinking that treating such a nightmarish period of history as a competition over which group was the greatest victim is unhelpful to everyone involved? Or was my former history teacher closer to the mark when he called it a new form of Holocaust denial?

Taking it off FB

         While I will still post articles to Facebook I've decided to do more of my random musing here and give my friends a bit of a break.
         And yes I am aware that this is likely going to be me talking to myself, but it still gets things off my chest so it'll be somewhat helpful.